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Multi CH Dream Max Morgonstjärna

Poetry´s Rosa Alba

Valparnas stamtavla

SE VCH C.I.E. NORD UCH NO V-14 Dream Max Morgonstjärna

SE VCH C.I.E. NORD UCH Jako's Union For Dream Max

SE VCH NORD V-00 SE V-00 SE U(U)CH C.I.E. NO UCH Tottelina Observer

NO UCH Jako's Amazing Grace

SE VCH Flower to Rossmix Du Bois De La Ray

SE U(U)CH NO UCH Ramchaine Snap to Jako's

Bouquet Imperial Du Bois De La Rayere

Poetry´s Rosa Alba

SEU(U)CHNUCH NV-07 Inassicas Broom

FINUCH INTUCH Pauclare Pot Of Gold

Inassicas Sea Mayweed

Poetry's Anabelle

Inassicas Sea Chanter

Poetry's Bella Rosa

Poetry´s Le Cose Belle de la Vita

Poetry´s Cose Della Vita

Poetry´s La Vita E Bella

Poetry´s Witalis

Poetry's Viva La Vita


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 Telefon: 0532-43008 eller 070-643 63 44


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Tidigare kullar
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